Prayers that soften the ground

In case you haven’t read the post on weeds, it might help to put these prayers into perspective.

These prayers are designed to soften the heart so that change can occur with less resistance and struggle.  I believe that prayer #1 would generally be the most powerful, but the others are here in case you need a starting point. Pray these prayers daily as move through your healing journey and always continue to seek His guidance in what and how to pray.

I’ve listed these by a general “depth” of desired change.  Go as deep as you’re willing and then ask Him to show you how to get to the next prayer down.

Prayer #1 - 

Take just a moment to survey your heart.  Try to get emotionally connected and allow your heart to tell you what it needs.  Where is it lacking?  What unresolved pain and hurt has taken hold?  Then, craft yourself a short prayer that…

1) Praises Him for what He has already done (remember and feel the gratitude for how He has fought for you on your behalf)

2) Openly and honestly talk to Him about how you feel

3) Ask Him to continue to work on your behalf to soften your heart, uncover the places that need His healing touch, and help you receive all the love that He can give you.

Prayer #2 - 

Father, thank you so much for your love and the way you have given so much for my benefit.  Thank you for your son, his blood, your spirit, and the healing touch that you have yearned to provide.  I know that my heart has not always been open to you, and I also know that I need more of you every second of every day.  Please breathe new life into me, fill me with your living water, and soften my heart so that I can receive everything that you have for me.  Bless me with more of you.  In Jesus name I ask this, amen.

Prayer #3 - 

Father, I’m a wreck.  I can see that I’ve closed myself off and have kept others out in an attempt to keep control and avoid hurt.  I need a new way to live.  I need a new heart.  Fill me with your love, acceptance, forgiveness, and holy spirit.  Let me know your heart in a whole new way.  Soften this ground so that I will produce good fruit with ne’er a weed in sight.  In Jesus name, amen.

Prayer #4 - 

Father, please fill me.  Show me yourself and the depths of your love.  I want to stand on the mountain, face to face, and talk with you like Moses did.  I want to live in the assurance that you really will supply my every need.  I want to walk in freedom without a fear of man, beast, or devil.  I want to love with power and authority.  Soften my heart so that I can truly feel the depth of the love that you have for me.  Fill my heart with your living water so that I can be a fountain to every person that thirsts.  Search my heart and expose every place that exalts itself against you.  Give me the strength to pursue you in freedom and truth and an open heart to walk in total relationship with you.  In Jesus holy name, amen.

Prayer #5 - 

Jesus, bring your baptism of fire into my life, open and expose my heart, and teach me to love others as you love them.

Prayer #6 - (You’re treading on serious ground, now)

Jesus, teach me patience.  Oh, and soften my heart at the same time.  In Jesus name, amen.

Prayer #7 - 

Jesus, I need a new life.  Burn me to the ground.  Take everything, be everything, saturate me in your love and steep me in your blood.  Fill every waking moment with yourself.  Help me to build a truly intimate relationship with you and help me to give you an offering of everything that stands against you in my heart.  Show me how to truly die so that I can live in you.  In and by your name, may you be glorified on all the earth and in heaven.  Amen.

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