Cognitive vs Experiential Knowledge

Have you ever had an epiphany and then tried to explain it to someone else, only to have them look at you (bewildered) and say, “so?” What’s going on there?  That little nugget of knowledge that you just got is worth everything in that moment, and yet they don’t seem to have a clue.

In short (very short), there are a couple of different types of knowledge.  We possess both cognitive knowledge (let’s call that your encyclopedia) and experiential knowledge (which we can call your experience).  One comes from data and information, and the other from life and emotional content.

To simplify the conversation, let’s say that your encyclopedia resides in your head and your experience in your heart.  Jesus resides in both.

Here’s where the breakdown occurs… You’ve had an experience in that revelation and you are trying to cognitively give it to another person.  Unfortunately, there is no translation for your experience outside of the context of yourself.  You simply can’t get it across.  Now, if they’ve had a similar experience, they can tap into that to understand.  But if they haven’t, well, I’m sorry to say, they won’t have a clue what you’re talking about.

I believe a very similar thing happens with prophetic vision.  A true prophetic vision is an experience (among other things), and as such, can’t be translated into cognitive terms.  God, Jesus, and The Holy Spirit put that vision in your heart and, unless another person has received the same type of experiential vision, they will be hard pressed to understand what you have.  Now, as I see it, you have a couple of options: 1) only speak to others that have received it or 2) ask Jesus to give it to others AS you speak it. Personally, I like option 2.

In Matthew 10, the disciples are asking Jesus why he speaks in parables.  In short, it is because those who are his will understand. How? Are his parable really that confusing? No, I believe that his disciples are receiving an experiential understanding as he speaks.  He is supplying the knowledge of the kingdom and the experience to understand it (the context, if you will) at the same time.  And doesn’t he continue on to explain to us that this is the point of the Holy Spirit who is yet to come?  To guide us into all truth?

So, if you find yourself talking to someone and they just can’t quite get what you’re saying, stop a second and ask yourself if you’re trying to move an experience from your heart into their head.  If so, why not ask them to listen in their heart for Jesus and see if he’ll share your vision with their experience.  The beauty of the way He communicates is that He speaks directly to our experience and our heart.


© 2014