Your heart controls your words and everything.
By Harper Longoria
Age: 5 ½ years old
While sitting at the breakfast table, this little exchange happened today…
"And I know things b/c I know lots of things, more than my brother and sister. Everybody needs to know that (referring to Heart control) So,"
How did you learn that?:
Because I know lots of thinks and God told me about it. And I remember that thing nothing else. Because things are very special to me.
What kind words?:
our words, our heads, and especially our hearing.
The heart said that then it came out and you said it. That’s how it works with your mouth.
How does our heart control our hearing?:
1st the heart hears then is says it. An then it goes into your ears then it goes into the mouth then you say it. Then it goes back into the heart.
Song: she then sang a song about is
-Becky and Harper