Doing it for the one

Recently, I’ve been involved in a number of endeavors that don’t really seem to pan out.  I have a home video production business, and we’ve had a number of jobs that were barely enough to even make them worth doing.  Then again, we’ve also had a number of jobs that weren’t worth doing from a business perspective.  All I know is that I take jobs because Jesus tells me to, not because I see a profit.

Case in point was a choir concert we had a little while back.  Due to a number of very unusual circumstances, I was set to film a wedding and had to hire someone to cover a choir concert that was scheduled for the same night.  I went through my usual list of friends and subs to no avail.  I was completely stuck.

Jesus gave me the name of a high school kid I’ve known for a couple of years.  He’s helped me a little, but certainly never behind a camera.  Jesus assured me that he would be fine, so we set it up.  He’s smart and capable, and Jesus assured me that He’d take care of him.

Jesus also arranged to give me some extra time on the day of the concert/wedding to help him setup.  So, I not only setup the equipment, but also got to give him a great run though at the school.  As always, I double checked all settings and hardware and felt completely confident that everything was in order.  We even had a few safety nets in place just in case.

On the way back to our home city, he admitted that he was scared out of his skin about making a mistake for me.  He was willing to feel what he was believing, and we had an incredible session where Jesus explained to him that he couldn’t make a mistake - Jesus had everything covered.  It was beautiful!

So, guess what?  That night, not one - but 2 camera batteries died on him.  Left him completely helpless.  Thankfully, he and the person taking orders at the table contacted me at the wedding and I walked them through how to get him up and running again.  Jesus had even laid that path out perfectly - total redemption!  He missed about 2 minutes of the concert - it was incredible damage control.  But, most importantly, he was calm and collected and at peace because Jesus really was in charge.

At the end of it all, Jesus asked me, “is it worth everything that happened and any customer complaints you get for John to see how I changed his life?  For him to know without a doubt that I spoke to him and took away his fear?  That I AM with him in everything?”  Well, put in those terms, absolutely! My discomfort in dealing with a few upset people is nothing in comparison to John’s experience.

In the end, I had a couple phone calls and 1 refund.  And, in true Jesus fashion, he even helped me to understand that the problem wasn’t the batteries at all (I had bought new ones as a result of this), but a faulty battery charger that showed that they were charged when they weren’t.  He tied up every loose end for me.

We’ve had a few other times where He’s asked me a, “would it be worth it if…” question.  Usually, it’s about serving as little as 1 person.  “If one person sees me as a result of your business, is this job worth it?”  It’s not unlike Lot’s “negotiation” with God over Sodom - “will you spare it if there are as few as … righteous people?”  The answer is always yes.

So, next time you’re in a jam or things aren’t going your way, ask yourself (or let God ask you), “is this worth it for the one person that may benefit?  Am I willing to lay myself down for just that one?” The answer will stir your heart and give you fresh hope and perspective as you move forward in difficult times.


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