Thank you so much for visiting! is a website full of resources for people looking for healing, wholeness, and a deeper (more intimate) relationship with God.  We try to present a number of different approaches and ideas to fit a variety of people.  We believe that the body is made up of many different kinds of “members,” and strive to find ways of connecting all people to the Heart of God through emotional exercies, prayer, worship, discipleship, and community.

1. If you’re new to the idea of Relational Prayer, why not start with our primer, here.

2. For information about different kinds of “healing prayer” or “transformational” ministries, please check out the Resources page.

3. For sample ministry sessions, podcasts, and A/V materials, please check out the Media page (currently under construction).

4. For questions, ideas, or to inquire about ministry in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, feel free to Contact Us as well!

Thanks so much for visiting and God bless your journey into intimacy!!!!

- Shawn

Hey, We’re in Rwanda for a couole of weeks!!!!  Check out our RwandaNow! blog here.

© 2014